I'll Make You Famous…




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

There’s a funny thing about fat chicks, now more than ever, because they believe that they are hotter than they are, now that clothing is made in their sizes, and pervert dudes are more accessible to them, so the 3 am jumping the grenade by the closet-case chubby chaser, who every night would get drunk and end up taking a fatty home, only for all his friends to laugh at him, because no one wants to be the guy taking the fatty home, only for him to try to defend his fucking as another notch in the belt while the non fatty fuckers, the guys with some dignity, were just forced to dick in hand themselves to sleep.

But yeah, the funny thing about fat chicks who don’t buy into the hype of being fat chicks, at least not at their core, the nudity the confidence all bullshit, is that they actually hate themselves, that’s why they keep eating….and not exercising..when all it really takes is some effort to not eat and to walk their 10k steps, but they are just too fat and lazy to bother, so GIVE ME A PILL FOR THAT…., because under all fat fucks is more than just a skinny pervert from TINDER, there’s also a skinny chick being MURDERED….

So yeah, FAT chicks are SKINNY chick murderers cuz they are fat, but to make it worse they are also skinny chick shamers on the internet to try to curve the acceptable standard size of women in their curvy favor…instead of just doing some goddamn push ups…

Posted in:Fatty


