I'll Make You Famous…




Emma Roberts Swimsuit of the Day

I’ve always thought that Emma Roberts was hot. Sure, she’s probably a product of incest between Julia Roberts and her brother, they just don’t tell us anything about that because incest is frowned upon, even if it’s so fucking convenient and for a narcissist one step closer to fucking yourself, than fucking someone like Lyle Lovett, who I am sure is a lovely man, but who is no Eric Roberts…

I think the celebrity rich kid raised in LA and handed opportunities because of who she is is hot, but I also like that her dad, an Oscar winner became the star of every Z-list movie just to keep a roof over his head. In early NETFLIX days, he was the source of all their content because actual movies weren’t being shown on NETFLIX…

So she’s a celebrity rich kid who has daddy issues, who probably resents her dad for sucking, and that makes her better at sucking, assuming she sucks dick as we only have verification that she uses her vagina to do the sucking, since she has a kid…

She’s on a boat, wearing what I think is probably a dress, or a MODEST MORMON style bathing suit, since MODEST IS THE HOTTEST and she’s an old mom, it makes sense….

At first glance, I thought the matching wrap was a skirt attached to the swimsuit, so it’s a little more WHORISH than originally anticipated….

Either way, still hot to me.


Posted in:Emma Roberts