I'll Make You Famous…




Leni Klum Goes to an Event of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I plan on turning this site into a Leni Klum fan site because why the fuck not.

She’s young, rich, busty as fuck and I figure she’s got a lot more to give to the world with those tits big enough to feed a nation, or at least a small group of people at the same time, which is impressive for a tit.

SO yeah, I figure if she ups her instagram whore game, producing daily posts because she’s rich and has nothing better to do, I can just repost her shit here, and talk dirty about her tits, or the things I’d want to do while suffocating on her tits, maybe even nicknaming them Gas Chamber tits, because of her German roots and my insensitivity to your grandma’s plight in the Second World war….

The point is that I’d be ready to be put into a concentration camp that her German ancestors built, with the promise of being choked out by the tits and that’s not to be insensitive historical trauma her people did to your people, but it would be insensitive to the tits to not want to die from the tits…and as far as I’m concerned, these are the tits that Nazi Eugenics built…

I’ve lived long enough and those tits that Heidi Klum built, or BOUGHT, and trained to win with German engineering efficiency….which has worked out nicely for the mom and will workout nicely for the entitled Gen Z daughter…with the tits…

Did you see the tits on her? Check out those tits!!

Posted in:Leni Klum