I'll Make You Famous…




Lourdes Leon See Through of the Day

Girls get mad when fat fucks like me make fun of them for being whores on the internet despite appreciating that whore content, I figure it’s up for review, debate, analysis, like when a movie comes out and all the jawless EBERTS of the world give their take on the movie, only the instagram or paparazzi whoring version….I’m a critic…

But yeah, I am an irrelevant voice now, and arguably always was, but I guess when bigger sites used to link me, their minions who would write hate mail to me, and probably to them, because they’d never link me again, would go on about how misogynistic, rapey, disgusting I was as a commentator on the current state of girls being whores….

So a fat fuck with an opinion gets discounted, cancelled and silenced in the world….when a fat chick leaves a few comments, also calling out the sluts of the internet who work for the brand they are commenting on, which in the case of this story is Victoria’s Secret…with the screams and cries of “you don’t represent me”….even though they make their shit in XXXL when they fucking shouldn’t…

So the fat dude calls the model trash, overrated, overpaid, shameless and he’s discounted….

The fat chick calls the model trash, tells her to eat a sandwich, says that they are doing bad for the body positivity movement while shaming their perfect bodies….

Making me think the fat chick against me being against the models is the same fat chick against the models, just a miserable fat cunt of a person….but instead of getting cancelled for doing WHAT I DO, while complaining about WHAT I DO, the brand, VICTORIA’s SECRET, says “let’s quit the hot chicks and use fatties”….until their company becomes irrelevant, near bankrupt, a knee jerk reaction, listening to the fat miserable pig who isn’t even their customer, just an internet troll like me, but one who presents herself or theirself in a way that makes the brand feel like they need to listen….because they get other fat bitches on board with their movement…and next thing you know…all the Victoria’s Secret models are fat pigs…NO MORE HOTTIES…

Well, the good news is that they’ve started to retract that bullshit, are doing the fashion show again, where there will be fatties, but also some of the old guard and new guard and I guess they had an event, trying to matter, where Madonna’s chubby daughter brought her tits out, since it’s an underwear event, show your fucking underwear…when you want the world to see your underwear, and gut….

It’s nice to see people realizing that real people don’t like fat fucks in advertising…there’s a reason the hot chick model worked….it’s unfortunate that Lourdes Leon is a fat chick.

See more of Lourdes HERE

This Olivia Ponton bitch was there with her ass out:

Avril Lavigne also there fat…..


Posted in:Lourdes Leon