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Archive for the Lourdes Leon Category




Lourdes Leon’s Weird See Through Outfit of the Day

Lourdes Leon is Madonna’s daughter. Since Madonna is the fucking worst, it’s safe to assume that her daughter is also a real pile of overhyped bullshit.

She may actually not be as bad as her mother, since she doesn’t actually have to work while Madonna spent years recording iconic pop songs for the gays, touring and performing legendary concerts that were banned in some cities because she simulated sex on stage for her teen audience, totally fuelling the Satanic panic that if society just embraced back then as fact, instead of deciding to rebel against Christianity to become these heathens, the world would be in a far better place…but you’d have less girls like Lourdes rocking a sheer outfit to a fashion event.

Just because she doesn’t do anything in this era of celebrating people who don’t do anything thanks to their parents doing something, doesn’t mean she can’t clickbait or try to gro her social following to sell brand deals.

She is a little less freakish looking than Madonna who has turned herself into an Amanda Lepore science experiment they call performance art, instead of just rotting the old fashioned way.

She’s not necessarily hot with the dopey eyes and long face, but under her Matrix trench coat, she’s in a sheer outfit and you can see her thick fingers covering her nipples, which is erotic….and you can see her black string panties….also erotic…and for some of you, you can see her toes and you’ve just lost your fucking mind because toe people are freaks…and to me she’s better in a giant pantyhose outfit than in some other bullshit for fashion that’s less nude…but at the same time, if she really wanted to go viral, I believe she’d be showing us labia…

WHEN will exposed LABIA be the new cleavage?

As a society we’re as ready for it as we are for spread assholes being the new cleavage, just a bunch of fashionable demons walking around with their heads between their legs spreading their assholes for the world to see how the parasites get spread…


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon Brings Her Troll Mother and Nipple to the Vote of the Day

Madonna and her Daughter made a point of having the paparazzi follow them to the polling station, which is more her daughter taking her mother to the vote, because she looks like a doughy near dead pile of demon shit that needs assistance.

Her daughter Lourdes seemed to have a hard braless nipple in what looks like a sheer enough shirt that requires the nerds of the internet to play with the brightness and contrast to make that nipple great again.

I wonder what these satanic puppets, literally Madonna has said she’s a grand priestess of satanism, whatever that means to you, because I know what it means to me….but yeah, wonder who they endorsed….HINT….THE BABY KILLERS….

Despite thinking the system is rigged and that all government is bad, because the people who want to run the government don’t typically actually care about the people they are hired to represent, but rather are placed there to protect the corporate interest and the bankers who make all the money off basically all elements of running a country…all while creating a celebrity with the weirdest groupies who think this is a Hollywood movie they are key players in.

Despite being black pilled into thinking that your vote doesn’t matter and all this is pre-determined, especially when the Kamala crowd, despite being brain washed, were clearly being trolled by someone they knew was going to lose. She didn’t stand a fucking chance. I still believe that if you are going to exercise your right to vote, because it gets you time off work and is your right….you should do it tits out.

I also know that you should definitely be happy that the party of common sense won, because they may actually live up to things that will benefit your life…instead of that other weirdness. Even better if it drives all the blue haired genderless socialist freaks to Canada, which sucks for me, but I am already drowning in that weirdness and can say you deserve better America.

All this to say….SHOW US YOUR TITS before it’s too late and while you’ve got the right to before Trump and his Handmaid minions put you back into your conservative housewife role of breeding, not aborting, baking instead of working, supporting your man and his vote, instead of being a whining woman with an opinion or rights…


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Madonna’s Lourdes Leon’s Got her Tits Out of the Day

There are some groups who think that Madonna is the grand priestess of the Satanic church or at least the Satanic cult that they are all a part of.

She built her career pushing satanic things, like being disrespectful to the church while being named after the most significant female in the bible, doing things like masturbating with a crucifix, which is something I’ve heard that women who went to Catholic church or who have super Christian mothers do in revolt….since demons are real.

Madonna pushed the gay agenda, she was basically a gay man and she is currently something out of a horror movie, like the demon troll manifested in her fucked up face…

Well, along the way she adopted or human trafficked a bunch of africans, but also shat out a few kids of her own, Lourdes being one of them and she’s a socialite with access to everything because her demonic mother laid the ground work.

Instead of just sitting around on the trust fund applying ointment to her mom’s wrecked face, maybe eye drops and bandages from the seams she’s exploding from, in their mansions….

She’s decided to do semi-nude modeling, so here are her tits…

We like tits, even celebrity entitled and shitty spawn tits…

Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon Nipple of the Day

Lourdes Leon is looking a little rough.

She’s Madonna’s daughter, who I guess is half Hispanic, or Latina, I am not sure where Madonna’s dancer that came in her is from and I’m not going to googlie it, I just know that Lourdes is looking like she works at the counter at her family’s taco stand, all gothic and bitter about it, so she spends her days eating all the tacos she can, in efforts to feel some level of happiness..

I read this quote about Latina Goths:

“Latina Goth Girls… Latina Goth Girls have defeated me and my thinking, in my early times I denied objectivity, but when I discovered Latina Goth Girls I changed my beliefs. Latina Goth Girls are what Saint John described as “Logos” – Word of God. In the beginning there was a Word of God, or known as Latina Goth Girls. Aryan is noble only because of Latina Goth Girls and Latina Goth Girls are the ones who made “Aryans”. We before intermingling with Latina Goth Girls were primitive apes of Demiurge – Genesis 6:4 : The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. Hail Latina Goth Girls, the true chosen seed!” – Friedrich Nietzsche.

Sure she’s on a Trust fund, raised by a bloated and terrifying demonic mother, which is probably why she’s showing off her nipple and ass at this fashion event, you know because they understand if you show tit, you get noticed and that getting noticed means making money for generations to come…

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon See Through of the Day

Girls get mad when fat fucks like me make fun of them for being whores on the internet despite appreciating that whore content, I figure it’s up for review, debate, analysis, like when a movie comes out and all the jawless EBERTS of the world give their take on the movie, only the instagram or paparazzi whoring version….I’m a critic…

But yeah, I am an irrelevant voice now, and arguably always was, but I guess when bigger sites used to link me, their minions who would write hate mail to me, and probably to them, because they’d never link me again, would go on about how misogynistic, rapey, disgusting I was as a commentator on the current state of girls being whores….

So a fat fuck with an opinion gets discounted, cancelled and silenced in the world….when a fat chick leaves a few comments, also calling out the sluts of the internet who work for the brand they are commenting on, which in the case of this story is Victoria’s Secret…with the screams and cries of “you don’t represent me”….even though they make their shit in XXXL when they fucking shouldn’t…

So the fat dude calls the model trash, overrated, overpaid, shameless and he’s discounted….

The fat chick calls the model trash, tells her to eat a sandwich, says that they are doing bad for the body positivity movement while shaming their perfect bodies….

Making me think the fat chick against me being against the models is the same fat chick against the models, just a miserable fat cunt of a person….but instead of getting cancelled for doing WHAT I DO, while complaining about WHAT I DO, the brand, VICTORIA’s SECRET, says “let’s quit the hot chicks and use fatties”….until their company becomes irrelevant, near bankrupt, a knee jerk reaction, listening to the fat miserable pig who isn’t even their customer, just an internet troll like me, but one who presents herself or theirself in a way that makes the brand feel like they need to listen….because they get other fat bitches on board with their movement…and next thing you know…all the Victoria’s Secret models are fat pigs…NO MORE HOTTIES…

Well, the good news is that they’ve started to retract that bullshit, are doing the fashion show again, where there will be fatties, but also some of the old guard and new guard and I guess they had an event, trying to matter, where Madonna’s chubby daughter brought her tits out, since it’s an underwear event, show your fucking underwear…when you want the world to see your underwear, and gut….

It’s nice to see people realizing that real people don’t like fat fucks in advertising…there’s a reason the hot chick model worked….it’s unfortunate that Lourdes Leon is a fat chick.

See more of Lourdes HERE

This Olivia Ponton bitch was there with her ass out:

Avril Lavigne also there fat…..


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon Nude of the Day

Here’s a fashion campaign staring born to be an influencer rich kid, soon to be heiress cuz we hope Madonna finally dies of that Fentanyl overdose, but currently just a do nothing, getting opportunities because people think the trashy, weirdness, science experiment, performance art, bullshit artist, pop sell out trash that is Madonna is so important, that anything affiliated with her is important to….even the kids she trafficked from Africa to make into Soccer stars…

Anyway, Lourdes Leon in a fashion campaign, that is so high brow, high concept that it involves a BTS as a key photo in the series, and in the BTS she is looking at herself doing some ACRO YOGA, hanging from the ceiling shit….whilst naked and grinding her pussy up against an office chair that probably smells better than most of the office chairs I sniff that I find in the trash, thinking “this could be owned by a chick gamer not a nerd gamer who farts alot”…I’ve never been a lucky man when making bets, and I continue to be a loser when it comes to sniffing random office chairs I see on the streets….but at least I try…you misss all the shots you don’t take…

Her pose, naked and looking at herself is far too familiar in an era where all these bitches jerk off to themselves…which is probably why it’s getting some hype, since the nakedness in the shoot is relatively trash, like her mother.


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon Mesh Booty of the Day

Lourdes Leon is apparently Madonna’s daughter who we will assume actually came out of Madonna’s womb, because that is the official story they are telling us.

So despite Madonna looking like a drag queen in her recent demise, or approach to old age, we’ll pretend she was always a chick because they told us she was a chick.

I watched Truth or Dare recently, just to see Madonna drag her teeth on a bottle when simulating a blowjob in the 90s, it was the 90s, girls weren’t as well trained from the porn they watched to suck dick right, it’s not her fault….and in that time she was far less hot than I remember her being based on my take on hot in this era, but she was a fit little pop star with tits, so we’ll assume that the teen boy features she had was from her being fit, because of the tits….and that the dick she may have had was tucked enough for us to not feel gay jerking it to her tits….we had limited options when only a handful of pop people were doing smut to destroy future generations of women….

Anyway, Lourdes Leon is rocking a skirt that has holes in it, I’m into the design, if I was a designer, this would be similar to my crotchless pant concept, and I’ll look at her fat ass, because I don’t care whether she was human trafficked to America by Madonna like some of her other kids, or if she is genetically Madonna, I’m just happy SHE is NOT Madonna in these pics, because Madonna’s clown ass disturbs me, even if it is AI, Filters and weird cosmetic procedures…..

Here’s some Madonna in the event you don’t know what her performance art has turned her into:


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon Cleavage of the Day

Madonna’s daughter has some big tits, assuming she’s her actual daughter and no someone she human trafficked from some third world Spanish Speaking country, who she pretends is her daughter for optics, but who is really someone she passes around to the rich satanists who created her, you know from the dancer who ripped off all the cool shit going on in the scene, bringing it to about to most mainstream you can be, while being handled by industry veteran handlers like Beatty and whoever else had their hand in her creation, while letting her think it was all her, but that was defnitely not all her, because if it was, she’d still be turning tricks in back alleys….to survive….because she may still be turning tricks in back alleys….but that’s just for fun…now that she’s morphed into Amanda Lepore….always ripping off the club scene….it is all she knows…

Anways, Lourdes Leon looks like a hairy half italian and she’s got some big Italian titties….PIZZA party, Mama Mia.


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon Tit of the Day

Lourdes Leon is one of Madonna’s children who I assume she actually birthed and didn’t smuggle from you some South American cloning lab, but then again, Madonna is a self professed priestess in the illuminati who has paid her dues, so ANYTHING is possible…since she doesn’t even look like her mom, but I guess only freakish clown instagram filters look like her mom.

Lourdes Leon, thanks being one of Madonna’s children has fame without trying, money without working, a lifestyle people dream of, not that I’d dream of being Madonna’s child, but if I was, I’d request being re-inserted in her womb every once in a while just to get close to that familiar leathery smell……

So what people slave for and never achieve, she’s got, and it gives her time to post important selfies with her big tits on her big bod, in a small bikini top, becaue if you’ve been on social media in the last year you’ll know, that’s what’s important in this vapid and disgusting wasteland we call the internet…which is unfortunately now “real life” because everyone’s addicted to the shit and distracted by the shit.


Posted in:Lourdes Leon




Lourdes Leon Lingerie of the Day

Lourdes Leon is Madonna’s daughter, who I guess she didn’t human sacrifice for her Satanic church she has claimed to be the Grand Dame of, which you could argue is just her buying into conspiracy that the whole entertainment industry is run by a bunch of satanists who sell their soul for their careers and who go to weird sex parties where they do human sacrifices and other shit…

I am sure all the symbolism in their videos, photoshoots and other godless shit they do is just jokes….you know…so that the Alex Jones’ of the world have fuel to perpetuate their LIES about them…ALL PRESS IS GOOD PRESS and rich people are never weird as fuck…

But yeah, Lourdes Leon, is now a lingerie model for Rihanna, the human trafficked 15 year old who just happened to make it in the USA despite being broke as shit from Barbados, because she had so much fucking talent that they had to delete her singing at her High School for fear of people catching on….that shit existed, but is no more…erased from the internet…I WONDER WHY…

So yeah, the lingerie empire queen has cast Madonna’s kid to be her ambassador and this is what that looks like…not terrible, but likely demonic, but what isn’t these days….now that no one has a fucking soul.


Posted in:Lourdes Leon