I'll Make You Famous…




Tanline Thursday of the Day

Sometimes I ask the people around me what they think of tanlines, you know because I may not have any friends or associates and I may not be in this together, but rather alone, but I can always ask a stranger for a helping hand in a post a do every fucking week of girls who post their fucking tanlines for the people of the internet to see their fucking tanlines because tanlines are clearly a fetish, or a sign that not all girls of the internet are basement dwellers outraged at hot chicks on the internet or misogyny on the internet or other bullshit things that should exist on the internet because the internet is supposed to be FREE…..and not all girls of the internet are AI generated robots but a lot are and they probably post TANLINE pics too….but we’ll assume that some of these girls actually went outside for the tanline.

Anyway, I ask people for inspo, I’ve said all I have to say about tanlines, I can’t come up with new tanline material weekly, there’s only so much to be said about tanlines and the general response I get is “Fuck Off” or “Shut the Fuck Up” or “why are you talking to me”….so here are some tanline pics…

Posted in:Tanlines