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Britney Spears and her Stripper Pole Celebrate her Timberlake Abortion of the Day

Britney Spears is going viral, or I guess trending since she’s pretty much always viral thanks to being Britney Spears, one of the last great celebrities of our time.

She’s not getting people excited or concerned about her knife tricks, playing her best dancing Puerto Rican gangster with his switchblade in West Side Story….theatre kid shit…

She’s not posting hot pics from her rumored vacation to Brando’s Tahitian island where he was a reclusive that they’ve turned into some luxury resort….

She is trending because she has released information about her abortion with Justin Timberlake’s baby.

So back in the Justin Timberlake / Britney Double Denim romance that we all thought was for media attention since Timberlake how to be a poofter, he apparently spilled some sperm inside her, I assume from another man’s ass farting in Britney’s direction, or maybe from him autofelating himself before going down on her….and to deal with the pregnancy they didn’t want to happen because there was more money to be made off these two, they killed the fucker, the way all these pro abortion people celebrate.

We live in an era where making dead baby jokes gets you cancelled, but actively pushing for the right to kill babies gets you celebrated as a feminist hero…

All this to say, it was clearly a satanic ritual, ripping the baby out of Britney like she was Rosemary and the real news is that in her prison they keep her in, that badly lit, sleeper cell looking prison she’s in, there is a stripper pole….

Exciting stuff….right.

Posted in:Britney Spears