I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Got Naked of the Day

They claim that Britney wrote a book, but Britney is clearly not well, dead, or institutionalized….so I don’t really think she wrote a book.

Apparently, the people behind the book are actually her management and an LLC that her father is the director of, so seems like she’s not quite out of that conservatorship….and not the person who wrote the book.

None of that is all that shocking to anyone who has seen her content updated the last few years because it looks like it was shot 5 years ago under duress like a Liveleak hostage video….and it is not even clear if it is really Britney Spears or an AI filter that makes whoever is playing Britney Spears look enough like Britney Spears that the eager fan boy public believe it’s actually her, because they want to believe it’s her.

Now, she’s not out there promoting her book on her feed, she doesn’t read the audio version of her book, but some black chick does, which is precisely who you’d like ready Britney’s book….

She is naked though, not quite naked enough, but naked enough to make her look like a crackhead throwing her feces at you on the subway, which will make her death seem believable when they implement that marketing hook to increase Britney Spears Brand earnings…..

It’s all pretty weird, but I like disasters, even manufactured ones, at least when naked….even when not naked enough, but check out her photographer’s shadow….not sure he’s human…maybe the aliens who have abducted her, or the middle earth reptiles that run the world…definitely creepy but check out that mom ass…..

Posted in:Britney Spears