I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The Christmas season is upon us, and yes it is the most wonderful time of year. If I had things my way I would turn DrunkenStepfather into a Christmas lifestyle site, just Christmas village every day of the fucking year….but instead, I deal with a different kind of Christmas, more on a weekly basis, that rolls around every Wednesday in the form of PUSSY WEDGIES…

The cameltoe is my trusted friend that was once a foe, because the first cameltoe I really was made aware of was on the obese lunch lady at my High School that repulsed me, before realizing how much I loved pussy….

I guess some dudes go gay from traumatic pussy experiences…..CTE of the dick, where as I dove into loving all things pussy, including, but not limited to how hard it can eat a pair of pants, panties, bikinis, shorts, really anything that it can get it’s little eager lips on…

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie