I'll Make You Famous…




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

The nurse fetish has clearly always been a thing, and not just for doctors who are bored at work while their wives are at home spending their money, leaving them to fantasize and oftentimes follow-through on the hot co-worker they get to assert their dominance over because they are the doctors. You know, in that position of power….

There has been costumes, fetish gear and roleplaying around getting to the hospital and having a romp with the women tending to your needs….to save your life, to check your temperature via your asshole, to remove the large object you got stuck in your asshole, hence you being there in the first place…..you get what I mean…

I don’t really see the hotness with nurses, I mean I will when I am on my deathbed waiting and the pretty young thing is forced to tend to me, but as someone who avoids all that, they can keep their germs to themselves…

The good news is that the healthcare heroes aren’t being celebrated for just going to work for their high paid jobs, but rather for getting naked on the internet and selling those nudes. I dig it this evolution in women’s work.

Posted in:NURSES