I'll Make You Famous…




Olivia Rodrigo’s Got her Tits Out of the Day

I am a firm believer in boycotting anyone who pushed the COVID agenda on the people, whether it was for money or because they were brainwashed into it.

I am not going to revisit that terrible time of oppression, especially against those who don’t believe in vaccines…..

I just know that Rodrigo, in part of her being owned by the satanic regime hung out with Foochi and the President to urge the youth to get shots they didn’t need, since young people didn’t die of COVID, but they did get inflamed hearts from the vaccine…

So she’s got BLOOD ON HER HANDS….using her celebrity from being a super famous young starlet, probably from TikTok turned mainstream, or from a cloning lab turned Mainstream through TikTok, maybe she’s of the same genetic stock as Demi Lovato or something.

So yeah, I boycott those people, or I don’t believe in ever forgetting, but I don’t mind staring at their tits, because evil tits are still tits people and who am I to discriminate against tits for their being owned by the agenda…

Posted in:Olivia Rodrigo