I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Ass on a Boat in a Bikini of the Day

For those of you who don’t know, I am a firm believer that Britney Spears is dead, or in an institution and not actually running her own instagram feed. I think the content is old and what I would do if I was an abductor and wanted the general public to think a bitch is alright, when she’s actually locked in a garden shed raising my baby like she was Brie Larson in her academy award winning performance “Room”.

Then there’s the whole everything is fake, AR filters, high tech, AI that you don’t even know if you’re jerking off to a real person, or computer generated people, where you don’t know if you’re listing to real music, or computer generated music, it’s all very terrifying.

Then there’s the whole replacement theory, not the one where you’re being replaced by immigrants, but the one where they swap a person out with a new person and your brain just accepts that person as the old person because they can’t find the reference point to doubt that it’s the same person.

Anyway, she posted a bikini video, not dancing in knives, on a sailboat in Maui where she claims she was yesterday, and I find that story pretty doubtful, I’ll still look at her big mom ass…whether she’s genuinely free, or in captivity, or dead or not.

Her caption is a fucking novel, like her actual novel, that I assume is on the best sellers list by now.

I did research about bullying and kids being mistreated at school … it’s pretty interesting what I came across !!! l’ve probably studied human emotion more than anyone on the planet and have been a person that was studied and analyzed like a science lab against my will so I find this pretty exceptional viewing the data !!! We all have our inner subconscious thoughts and some are better suited to hide those emotions or weakness !!!! Most of them live in Los Angeles they are called actors and actresses … and unfortunately I’ve never been that great at acting but you can guarantee I can spot one a mile away !!! They put shivers up my spine almost similar to what a person would feel if they saw a real criminal !!! I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’ve had to learn the hard way … but I do know what it’s like to feel tormented … bullied … and completely humiliated. I speak about this because the main thing I found interesting in this is that when it comes to emotion, there really is no explaining it !!! It’s honestly beautiful but abuse on top of it … that’s where it gets a little more serious !!! Is it a big deal ??? 100 percent it’s a big deal !!! The thing I found so disturbing is out of all the bullying that I’ve researched, most of the victims were the ones who harmed themselves !!! l actually found that really interesting because you would think the person who caused the emotional turmoil would be the one of guilt and would want to take on that act !!! Even when some victims actually did take their own lives, the person who caused it got away with it never even shows a sign of remorse at all !!! I believe those people are actors and live in Los Angeles !!! I will just say it … I have a pretty home in Los Angeles … but the people scare me there and always have !!! Maybe I should take an acting class and not be so serious with my real emotions !!! Maybe I’m wrong but I’d rather be wrong than give my lips and smile to someone who isn’t even qualified to go two feet near me !!! PS yesterday with the sailors

Here are some older pics she posted with some bullshit caption…but at least acknowledges they are older pics of her….

Posted in:Britney Spears