I'll Make You Famous…




Billie Eilish Cleavage of the Day

Billie Eilish is doing the splits with some oversized dude shorts on.

The good news is that her fat girl tits are busting out, which is what you’d want from a fat girl in a content piece, since her big tits take away the initial shock and disgust of the obesity.

In this picture, where the popstar who is not Taylor Swift, since there are apparently other pop stars who aren’t Taylor Swift out there, is giving us the illusion that despite being fat, she’s athletic enough to have great flexibility and mobility.

I like to think it’sp robbaly that joint disease that affects the connective tissues in the joints, allowing fat girls do do things like the splits, you know, since she’s far too tat to be athletic in ways that lead to doing the splits, even with all her stage performances that you’d think would lead to her being fit, but the money made from being rich affords way too many snacks to let the fitness win, so auto-immune diseases are the only real answer.

This definitely gives off the fat girl who normally sits out gym class deciding to shock the class with her tits, and since there are tits and splits, since splits have their own level of sex appeal, known the vaginal floodgates are gaping…..smells of pussy radiating the room….queefs filling the air…the soundtrack of Billie Eilish’s life, because that’s pretty much how I’d describe her actual music she tours….a queef….a big gaping stinky fucking queef….directed by her creepy brother FINAGAN….



Posted in:Billie Eilish