I'll Make You Famous…




Millie Bobby Brown Being Sexy of the Day

Millie Bobby Brown Being Sexy of the Day

I was one of the few people I know who didn’t watch Stranger Things….

SO I didn’t see Millie Bobby Brown as a child…

SO I wasn’t one of the people who was anticipating her 18th birthday because they are weird, socially awkward fan boy fucks that don’t get pussy but find their happiness through the celebrities they are fed….

Which means, I can look at her sexing herself up for the camera with a clear conscious, but not sure we can say the same about you bro…

The child star turned 18, turned sexualizing herself as she sexes it up for the camera as she sells her products, is about as basic as it gets..because it works on nerds like you.

Here she is pushing her bullshit products…

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown