I'll Make You Famous…




Helen Flanagan Back to Titty Modelling of the Day

What’s the expression? You can take the whore out of the kitchen but you can’t take the kitchen out of the whore? Or is it you can turn a housewife into a whore but you can’t turn a whore into a housewife…I think there’s a TikTok song about it…and this is the visual…

Helen Flanagan was an actress on a popular show in the UK, it probably didn’t pay huge, but it was steady work. She dropped out to be a UK Glamour model, because with tits like that, it’s a great way to have a fun life in your 20s. She landed with an athlete as Glamour Models do, tried to go back to the acting job like her RUMSPRINGER of being a Glamour Model never happened, but the tits were too powerful, they couldn’t be contained, they instead needed to be seen, so she’s pulled them the fuck out all these years later for the dozens of fans she has around the world that used to fap to these fap flappers…

She’s older and….older.

Posted in:Helen Flanagan