I'll Make You Famous…




Rosie Hungtington Humps a Fitness Machine of the Day

This is about 2 weeks old, but it’s the first time I am seeing it. I don’t really track the every move of Rosie Huntington Whitely, and even if I did, this could be considered the kind of content that I need to let simmer for 2 weeks because it’s so fucking perverted….

The model who I think is also a mother is showing us exactly how she climbed the ranks of high fashion, despite being naked all the time, which in when marketed in other ways, makes a girl an OnlyFans model, not a high fashion model….

She did it through the grinding of her cunt against inanimate objects, like half dead old marketing people who controlled the budgets.

Or maybe this is how she maintained her super celebrity husband and baby daddy – Jason Stratham the bald eagle, all those years…

Either way, she’s hot.

Posted in:Rosie Huntington-Whiteley