I'll Make You Famous…




The Rat Cow is in a bikini of the Day

She may call herself EMRATA, because it sounds Italian or European and sensual…but I’ve always felt her branding should have been RAT COW because of her face and udders. It’s like a rat face and some big fucking milkers….being the RAT COW…the hybrid human is just basic fucking math….

But what do I know, I don’t have the tits, the marketing prowess, the ability to become a millionaire a few times over with social media hustling and smart moves like her own brand, so maybe my RAT COW vision is totally wrong….

The most impressive thing about this old weathered mom who is kinda weird looking, but still has the tits, is that she managed to market herself as an a-list influencer and not a bootleg whore influencer with an OnlyFans and I’ll never quite understand that because she’s of the bootleg whore influencer level.

So here she is in bikini, since she has a bikini line, but also because being in a bikini is her hustle due to the tits and I’m into it enough to post it….and not because I like belly button’s that look like alien cocks trying to escape the gut….but maybe because I have facial recognition blindness and the face is muted out from the filter she used.

She’s a star, and old and useless star!

Posted in:Em Rat Cow