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Britney Spears in her Underwear of the Day

Britney Spears, or the actor who plays this modern and free Britney Spears has decided to shoot some content in her underwear with some gloves and a top hat on in the bedroom.

I don’t see any plus sized dildos anywhere around, whichis disappointing, there seems to only bee a vape or some smokes and a phone that I need someone to date for me so that I know this content is recent.

Her caption is a little weird, obviously, not that I analyze captions, especially not Britney Spears captions, but it is fun to get caught up in the conspiracies of the internet and believe that she’s sending us COMS through her captions, especially when we all know she’s already dead, or incapacitated, or being played by a body double.

Put the hat ? and gloves ?on and immediately turned into character ?????????? !!! Sandra Cummings possibly ?????? ???

Is this some shout out to Alan Cummings in Chicago because they dressed Renee Zelwegger like this, or is it a reference to her cumming, which I would assume is impossible with all the meds she’s on, unless she’s the lucky one on meds who can’t stop cumming due to increased sensitivity.

I guess we’ll never know!

Posted in:Britney Spears