I'll Make You Famous…




Jessica Simpson as Porno Granny of the Day

So I’m an old and out of touch motherfucker, so I don’t really know who the trending celebrities are besides Sydney Sweeney’s big tits, and really the whole concept of celebrity is dead, so why not remain a fucking dinosaur of the internet, who even at my peak of internet stardom, back when 10 people visited the site per day, I was totally out of fucking touch….by focusing on the people who were popular back when celebrity existed, except maybe for Lohan, she’d dead to me knowing she bred with someone other than me, when all she had to do is send an email and I would have emailed that vat of SEMEN I’ve been saving her for 15 years….

Anyway, in keeping up with being outdated fucks, here’s some Jessica Simpson looking like a porno granny, all jacked up on her DIABETES meds that made her skinny while keeping the big tits…..all jacked up on BOTOX and fillers to give her that bloated cum soaked porno face while still rocking the big tits.

Is this Pam Anderson? Or Madonna on tour at the old folks home soiling her diapers…no it’s the Country K-Mart fashion Billionaire with the big tits, who still has the big tits, which is what matters…

It’s all barely exciting….which is how I like things to be, my heart can’t handle actual excitement anymore.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson