Jessica Simpson re-posted some picture of what she is calling herself in November 2017, that she reposted November 2021, and reposted again November 2023 because I guess she’s proud of herself.
She wrote a whole paragraph about the situation that I will post here, I just don’t believe that the original influencer selling shitty product to the masses of retards. I didn’t bother read it, but it is probably about how she was fat and drinking and hated herself because her gay dad was too hard on her and life as a billionaire with an ex-pro athlete husband and bay daddy is rough…there’s just too much food and drink for a fat texan to consume….
You can read it for me, I got other shit to do….I just look at pictures bro and this one looks like staged after school special production of crackwhore mom in the trailer park turns tricks for money.
This person in the early morning of Nov 1, 2017 is an unrecognizable version of myself. I had so much self discovery to unlock and explore. I knew in this very moment I would allow myself to take back my light, show victory over my internal battle of self respect, and brave this world with piercing clarity. Personally, to do this I needed to stop drinking alcohol because it kept my mind and heart circling in the same direction and quite honestly I was exhausted. I wanted to feel the pain so I could carry it like a badge of honor. I wanted to live as a leader does and break cycles to advance forward- never looking back with regret and remorse over any choice I have made and would make for the rest of my time here within this beautiful world.
I can’t believe it has been 4yrs! It feels like maybe 2. I think that is a good thing. Ha. There is so much stigma around the word alcoholism or the label of an alcoholic. The real work that needed to be done in my life was to actually accept failure, pain, brokenness, and self sabotage. The drinking wasn’t the issue. I was. I didn’t love myself. I didn’t respect my own power. Today I do. I have made nice with the fears and I have accepted the parts of my life that are just sad. I own my personal power with soulful courage. I am wildly honest and comfortably open. I am free.
I guess she is trying to compare and contrast the now less fat, less bloated, less puffy, 6 year older, made up, face injected, probably on Ozembpic or an over-exerciser who still has some tit, but who is old as shit and looks like a different person that that bus station dweller she’s celebrating the death of in that fat lady track suit….must have been hard to pull off with all her resources, like she hasn’t done it before when Weight Watchers paid her 1,000,000 dollars to do it. YOU Don’t impress me JESSICA.
I prefer the tranny, structured, near menopause Texas mom look to the more disgusting version of herself, and I guess she does too because she keeps shaming that pig and rubbing the new her in her face. What a bitch.
Posted in:Jessica Simpson