I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney Doing What She Dos of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is one of the most hype celebrities of the year, or maybe of the last 5 years, and she basically does CINEMAX blue movies like she was Chelsea Handler early in her career, or the other low levels who never quite made it but for some reason the same tactics are seen as good acting to a generation of low attention spans that grew up on porn.

The good news is that she’s got tits to support that kind of casting and if they want to position her as some kind of important talent that speaks to that coveted younger generation the entertainment industry needs to get a grip on otherwise they’ll lose all their power as the millennials die off, and tits seem to work for that.

The point of the story, Sweeney’s got heavy hangers for the TITTY lovers they call MILK MEN.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney