I'll Make You Famous…




Denise Richards Brings Out the Wonky Nip of the Day

Denise Richards is in her 50s, so that probably has something to do with her shamelessness.

Either it’s an “If not now than never” situation when it comes to one last hurrah in her whoring…or it’s a humiliation ritual that her husband makes her do as part of their sex acts.

It is possible that she knows her audience are just idiot dudes who wouldn’t care that her nipple is square from being cut off in her multiple titty jobs….or that she just doesn’t care because at 50 something a square nipple is the least of things to feel shame about.

Maybe she’s trying to be inspiring and empowering to old ladies everywhere to own their battle wounds from a life of whoring, inspiring them to take their shirts off, or she knows that her at 50 is less hot than a 25 year old fat chick who still has her youth.

It’s probably just a cash grab, she’s using us to line her pockets, but the fact that she’s putting her square nipple out there like this is almost inspiring, it’s like a guy getting a job at a restaurant and unclogging the toilet on the first shit. That’s commitment.

Posted in:Denise Richards