I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney in Trees of the Day

As it turns out, you don’t need to be a racist 80 years ago to like people hanging from trees.

You don’t have to be a suicide fetishist that is overly into the likes of Bourdain, Kate Spade and all the other auto-erotic asphyxiators to be into people hanging from trees.

You don’t need to be a pervert camp councillor, or bus driver to be into people hanging out and playing in trees.

You don’t need to be into beastiality to be into primates in trees…..or some sort of peeping tom who climbs trees to look in bedroom windows of unsuspecting women….

Thanks to Sydney Sweeney, the most important breasts in Hollywood at this stage in the game, who is doing a paid campaign with a brand that involves climbing a tree, hanging out in the tree, playing in the tree, and possibly peeping tom-ing in the tree…

Sure, she’s not showing enough of the most important tits in hollywood…but is she ever showing enough of those….and she’s got socks on so that probably appeals to some of you….

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney