I'll Make You Famous…




Paulina Porizkova Brings You the Fetish You Never Wanted To Have of the Day

You know, I don’t know anything about Paulina Porizkova. She’s a Czech model who I guess calls herself one of the 90s Super Models, only I don’t remember her making her the forgotten 90s Super Model. It’s like the other models in the Em Rata Blurred Lines video, no one knows anything about them but Em Rata is a billionaire cuz them tits…

Weird analogy, sure…..but when Em Rata’s tits are on the brain, maybe all analogies should be Em Rata themed…

Anyway, the old as shit 5 foot 11 model, who I only discovered when she was dating Aaron Sorkin and he brought her to the Oscars and I assumed she was a Mail Order….not realizing she was founded at 13 years old by Elite Models and sent off to Sports Illustrated and other brands in the 90s….she even did Dancing with the Stars…not that I noticed…because I had no idea who Paulina Porizkova was…

Well, she’s had a double hip replacement, like a grandma, and she’s tried to post a slutty selfie of the hip replacement, triggering attention from some of the weirdest motherfuckers out there that are into that kind of thing, like scars or elderly person surgeries….and it’s just one of those fetishes you probably wish you never have, never thought you’d have, because fucking a bitch, even a hot old model bitch wasn’t really anything you’d ever want to do because you preferred girls who still go their periods and didn’t smell like rotting corpses….

Posted in:Paulina Porizkova