I'll Make You Famous…




Tokyo tea is the Instagram Of The Day

The internet is a very weird place….but I guess it’s always been a really weird place, it’s just now that everyone uses it all the fucking time and it’s replaced real life, it’s become a substantially weirder place because the crossover to weirdos online to weirdos at the local grocery store is pretty fucking aggressive….

Meaning, back in the early internet the weird cross dressing freak who made dance slide shows on his early Logitech webcam would rarely show up in your day to day dealings….he’d be off in his corner of the world, basement dwelling, all creepy and cum soaked from his porn addiction funded by disability checks….

Then there would be the fat girl who produced content for those freaks, because she liked the attention and it got her away from her cats for a minute, it was escapism from her job or disability checks in her trailer park home….but you’d never see her outside the internet.

The internet monsters stayed on the internet and you’d only access them when you turned on that dial-up model….

But now… THE FREAKS ARE AMONGST US…they are FUCKING everywhere, attached to their phones, ignorant to being in a civil society because their online clout is more important than their immediate surroundings….IT is fucking nutty….

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe