I'll Make You Famous…




Christina Aguilera Brings the Lingerie in the Hotel Hallway of the Day

Christina Aguilera is engaged to some rich dude from MASTERCLASS, who she apparently met when he was an assistant on set, but really secured her love for him when he became a billionaire and hit her up with a “Hey remember when I used to get your tampons for you on set, I’m rich now and I’d like to do that for you in life for free”…and who could blame him, Aguilera is one of those girls you can SIMP for and I won’t judge you, especially now that she’s not fat as fuck, which she was the last decade of her life, before realizing she’s got big hot titties that the world needs to see before they turn 50.

This is her Vegas costume, it’s hugging her cunt, like I’d want to hug her cunt, which is like a scared child listening to his parents fight under the bed with his blankie…

Posted in:Christina Aguilera