I'll Make You Famous…




Val Cortez is the Instagram Of The Day

Her name is Val Cortez, which sounds more like a tourist destination or experience offered at your All Inclusive in a Spanish Country. You know the excursion they are up-selling, and I don’t mean the dudes who sell cocaine and hookers on the beach, I mean the legitimate tour guides because in French Canada, VAL means Valley and I can only assume it means the same thing in Spanish, because I am ignorant….

So this VAL CORTEZ may not be an epic hike to see waterfalls, but that doesn’t mean her TIT valley between her MOUNTAINOUS TITS isn’t relevant or that she doesn’t GUSH like a waterfall for the best paying customer….

It just means her name is probably Valerie, Valeria, Valentine, Valens, VALGINA, VALUTERUS, VALANUS, Valveeta, VALARIUS, Valforagoodtime you know the standard VAL names…

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe