Victoria’s Secret can suck all our dicks as hard as we’d like Victoria’s Secret models to suck all our dicks because they’ve traditionally been pretty fucking hot, even the benchmark of what a hot chick should be.
Then Victoria’s Secret decided to turn their back on their fan, their audience, all the media hype they generated from having some of the hottest models constantly producing content in their products, building the billion dollar catolog business into something even more substantial in the internet age.
We all loved to look at the weekly photoshoots of these chicks and because of that the chicks in our lives or in other dude’s lives assumed that we wanted to see them in the products, creating a massive empire.
That wasn’t good enough for Victoria’s Secret, instead of focusing on what worked, hot chicks, they decided to focus on the whiners of twitter who were either too fat or gross to buy their products, but negative and miserable enough to whine about how they market their products…
So a 25-30 year hustle gets thrown out, their army of babes released from their contracts and a handful of monsters get cast in their place, while still using Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber, who are fake models trying to be their best VS models, instead of just sticking to the models.
The empire collapses, the whole thing dies and NOW they are back with the whole “people like hot chicks” approach using one of their legacy models….
It’s just offensive across the fucking board….fuck you Victoria’s Secret….but I anxiously away the hot chicks they start onboarding now that the woke fat mutant deserving a shot when they don’t deserve a shot is over…
It’s pretty fucking simple, diversity and inclusivity doesn’t mean someone not qualified for the job deserves the job….
I don’t deserve to be a surgeon, like a fat chick doesn’t deserve to be a bikini model, there are standards of operation that must be respected otherwise EVERYTHING collapses….
Here’s CANDY.
Posted in:Candice Swanepoel