I'll Make You Famous…




Taylor Swift’s Staged Paparazzi Bikini Pics of the Day


Always remember that celebrities in this era are only captured by the paparazzi when they hire the paparazzi to capture them, especially when they are on these epic beach vacations in the Bahamas to assert their relationship to the masses who follow everything Taylor Swift.

Also remember that for a solid decade of Taylor Swift’s fame, she was never seen in a bikini, because it probably was too hard to hide her dick, or maybe there was some other reason for it, but girl was literally seen in a two piece bathing suit under a dozen times and she’s been famous forever….

So either Taylor’s been replaced or she’s digging her middle aged body or she’s been bit by the whore parasite that’s turning her into the sexual being she’s pretty much always been since she’s consistently fucked many dudes or pretended to in order to write really watered down vanilla love songs about that would get additional press because a famous love interest was included…

From Mayer, the Jonas Bros, Gyllenhaal who I watched in Road House this weekend and apprecaited Conrad McGregor’s approach to acting and all the other dicks she’s pretended to suck and cry about like a weak little girl along the way….she’s now living up to that whore rep….

Anyway….Kelce and Swift romance is a load of shit, just two opportunists doing their best to capitalize….or maybe Swift is just master-minding the whole thing while the dumb jock she fantasized about when being home schooled and alienated from normal high school, so she never realized that’s just a plot point in cheesy movies and not real life…but the point is, even stripped down she’s got no sex appeal…even when making out it looks like dudes kissing his drunk grandma for a photo…..because drunk grandma is a sexual predator who has convinced him that it’s normal.

I just don’t understand how someone can be so famous and so bad for boners. It doesn’t add up….

They are saying she’s pregnant, which at her old age makes sense, but she could just be fat due to her alcoholism..,

Posted in:Taylor Swift