I'll Make You Famous…




Amber Quinn is the Instagram Of The Day

Amber Quinn looks like one of the first generation instagram models. They’d post these cheesy fitness and cheesy bikini photoshoots. They were the girls that sold the skinny teas, that were hired by rich athletes or rich dudes for entertainment purposes, flown to Dubai for Hummus parties where they got shit on, eventually getting rich in the process and thinking they were the next Kardashian.

I don’t know Amber Quinn’s story, but she’s got an OnlyFans she’s subtle about, while promoting that cheesy lifestyle content with her tits out, doing that early instagram hustle, while probably making a lot of money.

She also sells courses to people on how to make money online, which I’ll assume includes a chapter on showing tits until rich people notice and pay you to hang….but that could be the whole book…

Shockingly, she was raised in a broke single mother household, so you can figure out her motivation to use those tits for money based on that fact alone….it’s almost text book isn’t it….but the amazing thing is that it works…cheesy content on instagram with tits out appeals to dudes with credit cards I guess.

It’s amazing how simple this shit is to game….

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe