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Leah Michele is Very Committed to the Troll of the Day

I am a firm believer that Leah Michele, who was a big deal back when she was on Glee and her boyfriends were all dying off, but who has pretty much been forgotten by everyone but me, not because I watched Glee or thought Leah Michele was hot or interesting in any way, but because I’m an outdated stunted old fuck who stopped keeping track of shit about a decade ago when Leah was that big deal.

Through it all, I’ve been convinced she’s a “Sleep Away Camp” level of mom swapping her gender out into being a little girl for more longevity in her career, amputating the balls, putting her on those puberty blockers which was innovative at the time, making her like a test subject for what is now normalized….

Now they are all “Men can get pregnant”, women are now called BIRTHING people, and the whole thing has gone a long way from TRANNY….because everyone’s a retard.

So seeing her post these pictures of her pregnant make me think it’s movie magic, that she’s committed to the troll or the lie so hard that she’s over compensating with that belly exposed in her lame photoshoot that pregnant chicks do so everyone gets to see they got cummed in.

Posted in:Leah Michele