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Kim Kardashian and her Titties in a Bikini of the Day

Kim Kardashian posted a staged paparazzi picture of her ass, because she probably flew the paparazzi out to Turks and Caicos with her family to capture all their “paparazzi style” pictures in a controlled environment, since they are old and prefer to run the narrative rather than risk actual paparazzi finding them and taking pics of them in an unfavorable light, even though any Kim Kardashian picture is unfavorable as far as I’m concerned, but I’ve always found her to look like a demonic troll sent to ruin a generation of people, even though she’s more of a bottom feeding mooch who just rode the collapse of the culture better than most, since riding is her thing…even if done lazily based on that sex tape that created her.

Anyway, I saw the staged paparazzi ass picture and I said, that’s clearly the demonic trolls’ ECCLIPSE post because I could spot that fake and weird ass on a phone screen on the other side of the subway car and know it was Kim Kardashian’s weird fucking moon, blocking out the sun and really all that is good in the world…

Now that she’s old and totally manufactured, I like to think she’s trying to be sexy in her content in a competitive with Kanye’s hot new wife, CENSORI, but they are probably all working at this shit in tandem so that they can reign at the top of the internet pop culture feed as king and queen, even though they should all be beheaded and replaced with better pussy.

Anyway, check this 45 year old hybrid human trying to seduce with her nastiness half naked in Turks and Caicos…vile…but we’d all still let it stain our pants…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian