I'll Make You Famous…




Kim Kardashian Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Kim Kardashian posted some self produced photoshoot from Turks and Caicos where the family is vacationing, it’s probably another Tax Haven where they are set up to keep on MOOCHING off the system legally for their personal gain, or maybe it’s a vacation that didn’t end in a natural disaster, not that I wish death on anyone, I’m not that kind of hater, I’m more the hater who likes to point and laugh than who wants to inflict actual pain. However, it would probably be a good thing for society if they were wiped out since they contribute absolutely nothing to our society.

Anyway, she did a self produced slutty bikini shoot despite being old. It’s not as pathetic as it would have been years ago when she was trying to climb the ranks of becoming famous, but she’s so famous all the mooch’s out there would pay her to do professional bikini shoots, the slutty bikini shoot desperation is a little less desperate, but still fucking desperate….but more importantly gross.

She calls herself the cake boss, I guess in reference to the TV show, but I think the urban dictionary calls ass “cake”….and since the cake boss makes elaborate cakes…so her manufactured ass filled with butter cream and fondant or whatever it is that holds that shit together is potentially the boss of cakes…because it fuelled an industry of fake, weirdly shaped asses because all these hoes want to be Kim Kardashian.

Just be glad that no one is jumping out of this cake….but be sad it doesn’t have a candle in it to blow out, but not any candle, one inspired by the Looney Toons, where the cake candle is a stick of dynamite to blow it up…

Posted in:Kim Kardashain