I'll Make You Famous…




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I don’t remember where I was when September 11th happened. I don’t really remember where I was when any major natural disaster happened. I don’t remember where I was when Anna Nicole Smith died, which is also when Michael Jackson died. I don’t remember any of the sex I’ve had. I don’t remember any of the people I’ve known, the good conversations I’ve had, the good ideas I’ve had or the good jokes I’ve come up with that would have been great to sell to a shitty comedian for a couple of 100 dollars….

But I do remember where I was when I discovered that BBW was a fetish, that dudes were into monster fat chicks…

It was a cold fall day in 1993, I was eating a sandwich walking through a magazine store between job interviews back when I was more ambitious and I saw a series of magazines I didn’t know existed, ready to drop pregnancy porn, 50+ which at the time was a fucking shocker because 50 year olds weren’t these hybrid human muppets we’ve got today, and BBW….and almost threw up at the fat chick porn, it was far more offensive to me than anything I had ever seen, but at the time we weren’t as obese of a country and being a fat chick of that fatness was rare unless you were dirt poor.

Point being, I don’t approve of this fetish and I never have.



Posted in:Fatty