I'll Make You Famous…




Halle Bailey’s Bikini Selfie of the Day

Halle Bailey who is not related to Halle Berry, but who I am sure she credits in the media for being an inspiration to her because she was able to see people like her on TV which gave her hope that she’d have a chance at an Oscar, which is typical fodder for anyone of any ethnicity or level of gayness or transgenderism to say as bullshit talking points like they are moron robots trained to say what they are expected to say about diversity and inclusion so that they don’t get cancelled, meanwhile fags, even fags of color have been on TV since TV started….

Anyway, I don’t keep track of Halle Berry’s going-ons, or activities, I know she’s the Ariel that made people mad in the live action Little Mermaid, but I saw this bikini selfie video from April 8th, showing her body off with some bikini bottoms that are hitting fucking weird. It could be the pose, her shape, or maybe they are on backwards since there’s a real diaper look to them.

But she’s in a bikini…and famous…with tits…so stare.

Posted in:Halle Bailey