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Kate Beckinsale Spreads her Legs for Survival of the Day

Kate Beckinsale was in the hospital for a few months and no one knew why, but assumed it was a COVID VACCINE INJURY because of all the side-effects people are experimenting after poisoning themselves with gene therapy that was experimental and that killed all the animals in the trial, but maybe that’s just a coincidence.

The truth is that skinny Kate Beckinsale is old as shit, so ending up in the hospital is probably expected for someone who is old as shit, plus she doesn’t look old as shit, so that probably comes with starving herself, drugs, medical intervention, injecting weird shit in her face….all things that can poison a bitch as hard as a gene therapy vaccine.

Well, she didn’t tell anyone why she was in the hospital when being a spoony baby crying to the world with her vague hospital content…and someone out there probably thought “I wonder what Beckinsale is dying of”….MAYBE it’s the same thing that the other KATE from the UK has….you know, since people have always been hospitalized in their 50s.

Well, she posted a picture in a t-shirt that says “Tummy Troubles Survivor”…so we’ll assume that she had something involving shitting herself, shitting blood, not shitting herself, shitting blood, but she survived. I blame years of anal.

So Kate had a sore TUMTUM and spent months in Hospital because of it, totally normal…

Luckily, she’s in tight pants spreading her legs as she addresses her traumatic health journey.

Luckily, people have Kate Beckinsale fetishes, skinny old lady fetishes, old ladies who look young fetishes, platform shoe fetishes, tight jean fetishes, shitting fetishes, farting fetishes, bloody asshole fetishes, sick person fetishes, dying woman rich woman who you don’t have to commit to for too long because she’s dying and you want to give her a good last run, getting into the will, so you can retire and write the novel about that story to inspire an American hit Love Story…making you more rich because people love when love stories involve one of the motherfuckers dying in the end.

RIP Kate Beckinsale.

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale