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Kate Beckinsale is Not Dead Yet of the Day

Kate Beckinsale may be old as shit, but she’s held up pretty nicely until pretty much falling the fuck apart and ending up in the hospital for a few months because of some sort of stomach issue I’ll assume was a side-effect from the AIDS she got from Pete Davidson.

She seems to be settling back into her rich as fuck life in California where she does some low level celebrity things, but for the most part hangs out in a mansion with her pets wearing a bikini, because despite being 50 years old, she’s invested in still being able to look good in a bikini, whether through starvation or modern science that rich people buy into, it still looks good to me, just as long as she’s 100 feet away…

Death doesn’t look so bad on Beckinsale, especially when she keeps things age appropriate by being in Black and White, since she’s from an era before color technology and it prevents showing the death lines in her face since it’s all muted….

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale