I'll Make You Famous…




Zendaya at a Pre Met Gala Looking Porny of the Day

I don’t find Zendaya all that exciting of a personality in the whole celebrity bullshit game, but she’s pretty much a a-lister in blockbuster movies nerds jerk off to and she was a child star which those nerds probably first connected with her on, making her feel like some sort of high school crush all grown up, I don’t know the psychology of these things, I’m a degenerate pervert who is basically homeless, not a psychiatrist…

I just know that these pics of small breasted Zendaya with hre right tit half out while heading to a fashion event is shot from a porno angle with her hair in her face..but as a degenerate pervert, all angles are pornographic to me….

She’s getting ready for the Met Gala, attending a Pre Met Gala party, because the Met Gala isn’t enough, they need multiple events to lead up to it that they can sell to sponsors…MONEY MONEY…FASHION FASHION…SLUT SLUTS..

Posted in:Zendaya