I'll Make You Famous…




Caroline Vreeland’s Coffee of the Day

Caroline Vreeland is an imported hometown hottie thanks to having been knocked up by a french Canadian dude who human trafficked her to French Canada for maple syrup, poutine and Celine Dion….

She was at one time a hipster LA model in the scene, attending all the events with her tits, hoping to be a hugely famous singer, but instead settling on just being hugely huge tits.

She sells exclusive content to her pervert fans she’s amassed over the years with the almost offensively large tits, which is the size you’d really want out of tits….but clearly she’s more than just tits, just ask her coffee cup as it keeps her mom pussy warm…two kids in, this coffee cup warmth may be healing the wounds…

To a foot fetishist, this isn’t a bald pussy mound pic…and that’s the problem with foot people.They are weird and miss the pussy.

Posted in:Caroline Vreeland