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Elsa Hosk Still Hot in Bikinis of the Day

Elsa Hosk is out here in a bikini because she’s a bikini model, that’s what she does.

Her origin story is an interesting one, especially in this era of women’s basketball being taken seriously, because Hosk was on the Swedish women’s team, playing professionally when she looked at her fellow hot Swedish teammates in the shower and realized she could be a model…

So she stripped down, did nude shoots an took her tall ass to NYC to become a Victoria’s Secret model when they used to hire the hot chicks, before the fat trolls of the internet got into their heads like the real cyberbullies, making a real attack on the hotties…that I think we’ve survived from.

The good news is HOSK despite being old now, still strips down and shows off her hot body for money, like an upscale stripper.

The bad news is that she’s clearly jacked up her face, but they all jack up their faces, you just have to ignore the clownlieness and focus on the long, lean fit, body….

Posted in:Elsa Hosk