Elsa Hosk is just one of those models you want to fuck….
There is a historical record of brands hiring models you want to fuck…
There was a time when they weren’t virtue signaling or catering to fat chicks, when diversity and inclusivity wasn’t fucking annoyingly shoved down our throats, when hot chicks weren’t alienated so hard they had to cut their tits off or get fat to get work….
Make HOT CHICKS great again…because seeing Elsa Hosk, a victim of being a hot chick, while still being a hot chick, even after a couple of kids and being in her mid 30s…deserves to be celebrated as a model, instead of the bald fat chick with herpes and a missing limb that identifies as a hamster…
So the Swedish basketball star, who turned her back to athleticism to be high paid masturbation material, it’s lazier and better pay…still go that hot model look…
Sure she’s got that middle aged instagram look to her,but even with more of a clown face from fillers that make her look like a silly caricature of herself, she’s hot, skinny and naked and that’s good.
Posted in:Elsa Hosk