I'll Make You Famous…




Sabrina Carpenter was on SNL of the Day

Comedy is at an all time high in popularity, which means a lot of unfunny people are posturing themselves as funny because they are try hards, and thanks to the retardedness of the internet they are being rewarded for it.

The worst thing in Comedy that is postured as the best thing is comedy is Lorne Michaels’ SNL….

Apparently, Sabrina Carpenter was on SNL this past weekend because I am seeing content from her being on SNL and not because I know anything that is going on with SNL, since it’s a totally out of touch, boring, even creepy pile of dog shit that should not even exist….

They present it as this culturally relevant thing, which it probably was in the 70s, but even in the 70s it was probably only culturally relevant to a retarded section of the population and the others would just go along with it because there was limited channels to watch.

So they’ve been able to push that talking point and run with it for 50 years at this point and they try to make people believe, because it makes them money and they have money to throw at it and people are lazy brains so they just go along with it….

But if you watch any of their viral clips they try to make viral clips because that’s how you stay relevant, you’ll know they miss the mark almost always…where do they even find their comedians, it’s confusing since they get so much hype thanks to marketing and their guests.

The good news is they had Sabrina Carpenter in the mix for views or relevance, she’s on tour with Taylor Swift and has millions of followers, so naturally strip her down make it count….or make it viewcount….while the out of touch nerd comedians keep on their bad jokes competing with moms on tiktok who are funnier than them, but didn’t go to NYU or have a family friend who knows Lorne Michaels.


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter