I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Sabrina Carpenter Category




Sabrina Carpenter in Fetish Outfits of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter has hit number 1 song on the charts which is pretty exciting stuff, even though everything is based on streaming and not cold hard record sales, so there could be a factor in china where they are playing sabrina carpenter across 1,000,000 computers all at the same time so that the factory workers make their iphones faster.


She may have sold her soul to the demon that is Taylor Swift to get to this level, but it can be assumed that she was sold off to the industry long ago and she’s just kind of levelled up through the tests and challenges they’ve put her through.

She may have even been created in a cloning lab, given a fake origin story and designed for this day….because they only give the celebrity power to those who are well behaved and who can handle it.

This is not just some random chick who likes dressing up and fucking the camera for her fans to jerk off to making it…this is designed….

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter is Pantsless of the Day

The moral of the Sabrina Carpenter story is that if you sell your soul to Taylor Swift and get carted around as the opening act on her huge billion dollar tour, you suddenly matter on levels far greater than you ever imagined….

The girl started out on Youtube, launched her career on a Miley Cyrus reality show trying to find the Next Miley Cyrus at like 10 years old, so it’s been a calculated lifetime to get to this point….

She’s got the top two played songs on Spotify, has charted and through it all she’s developed this weirdly slutty and creepy look like a teen virgin but at 25 isn’t all that creepy, that’s 5 years away from retirement and just cosplay….

The point of this post is the PANTSLESS IN PANTYHOSE BUT YOU CAN’T SEE THE CUNTLIPS…a tragedy in some parts….because the whole point of pantsless is the cuntlips.

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter’s Hot Outfit of the Day

The big music news yesterday was not about Taylor Swift’s Snot Fetish….

It was about Sabrina Carpenter who has two hit songs on the Spotify top 3 songs list….so 2 out of 3 top songs people are listening to are her…

Which just goes to show you that if you sell you soul to Taylor Swift and her Snot Fetish, all your dreams can come true….assuming your dreams are being top 1 and 2 song on Spotify.

She was the opening act on the hugely successful ERAS tour, she may be getting groomed to replace Taylor Swift once Swift decides to breed with NFL players on her piles of money….and Taylor Swift may be just as much as a puppet as Carpenter in the grand scheme of who controls all this.

But luckily they sexualize her in some bimbo doll kind of way, which that can do with the Snot Fetishists, and that makes Carpenter a more interesting replacement to take on all the weird Swfit fans….who are also snot fetishists…..

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter’s Vagina in Underwear on Stage of the Day

Everyone talks about Taylor Swift with creepy excitement that I don’t understand. My theory is that all the COVID vaccines had receptors in their brains that allows the 5G to communicate with them and more importantly mind control them and more importantly sell them product and herd the fucking sheep, because without crazy technology there is no way that Taylor Swift would have the grip on the world…

But the Eras tour that they’ve made into this media circus hyped thing has an opening act and that is Sabrina Carpenter, who is neither a Carpenter or related to The Carpenters, but who is some sexualized baby doll dressed almost creepy performer…and she’s flashing her panties that you can see what must be her vagina definition through…and vagina definition is my favorite VD….syphilis a close second…

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter was on SNL of the Day

Comedy is at an all time high in popularity, which means a lot of unfunny people are posturing themselves as funny because they are try hards, and thanks to the retardedness of the internet they are being rewarded for it.

The worst thing in Comedy that is postured as the best thing is comedy is Lorne Michaels’ SNL….

Apparently, Sabrina Carpenter was on SNL this past weekend because I am seeing content from her being on SNL and not because I know anything that is going on with SNL, since it’s a totally out of touch, boring, even creepy pile of dog shit that should not even exist….

They present it as this culturally relevant thing, which it probably was in the 70s, but even in the 70s it was probably only culturally relevant to a retarded section of the population and the others would just go along with it because there was limited channels to watch.

So they’ve been able to push that talking point and run with it for 50 years at this point and they try to make people believe, because it makes them money and they have money to throw at it and people are lazy brains so they just go along with it….

But if you watch any of their viral clips they try to make viral clips because that’s how you stay relevant, you’ll know they miss the mark almost always…where do they even find their comedians, it’s confusing since they get so much hype thanks to marketing and their guests.

The good news is they had Sabrina Carpenter in the mix for views or relevance, she’s on tour with Taylor Swift and has millions of followers, so naturally strip her down make it count….or make it viewcount….while the out of touch nerd comedians keep on their bad jokes competing with moms on tiktok who are funnier than them, but didn’t go to NYU or have a family friend who knows Lorne Michaels.


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Posing with Bags of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter recently toured with Taylor Swift, so she’s probably at the top of her game while preparing to get ready for a tour of her own…

So only naturally, she posed with bags like a porn chick would pose for the camera before her scenes so that the porn production company has material to use in the marketing of the porno or for the DVD case, not that they do that kind of thing anymore.

I mean, it’s really the only way to sell bags as far as I’m concerned.

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Seductive in Bed of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter is Taylor Swift’s opening act, so that probably means she went through a Taylor Swift initiation which may or may not have involved killing a goat and sucking the blood out of it. I don’t really understand how this Satanic witch craft thing works, but I figure if they all believe in it, or like to promote the dark forces it must be real!

She’s also some child star, created within the industry, maybe in the cloning labs under Disneyland, or maybe just abducted by her family and mind controlled…

I just don’t believe random people just happen to get famous, it’s too many factors involved, too much investment, too much liability and possible risk…it has to be calculated to win and the only want to guarantee it will work is if the talent you use is basically your slave.

She is posing in bed seductively, it’s kind of the way content is produced now, if you’re not simulating sex, or foreplay or trying to seduce people in your underwear, you don’t really matter.

It’s like the average dude, you and me, are the casting couch coaches they strip down for in seeking validation and work….

Nice to be included to the party…

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Strips Down for SKIMS of the Day

I am always suspicious of celebrities that the system collectively rallies behind, because it seems like it’s all part of a calculated plan run by a small group of people, who decide who they want to be the leaders or tastemakers of tomorrow.

It may be some sort of conspiracy theory, but this girl is opening for Taylor Swift, no marketing Kim Kardashian clothing, which are two of the biggest indicators of the conspiracy existing, since neither should be where they are but are where they are because someone had to have positioned them there.

Taylor Swift is average at everything, yet brain washed multiple generations to buy into her….Kim Kardashian is just that sex tape pig that unlike other sex tape pigs, became a billionaire….they don’t make any real sense…

So looking at Sabrina Carpenter’s life, you’ll see that the official story is she was home schooled (made in a cloning lab), released on Youtube at 10 years old (seems inappropriate for a 10 year old to be uploading to the internet, where were these parents who were homeschooling her, in a don’t mingle with the public school system, but let creeps watch your dance videos)…bullshit…

But when they strip down I don’t really care about the back story, the authenticity in this fake and contrived world, whether it’s part of the social collapse, or even if it profits Kim Kardashina…

I just care that they are stripped down, turning all that bullshit into the good kind of bullshit, because we can see famous blonde bitches in sexy, probably cheaply made underwear….

I am old as shit, so any young blonde in her underwear speaks to my soul….I’m easy to please…

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Looking Like. Porn Chick at the AVNs of the Day

I guess most women look like porn chicks. They pretend that they are involved in some new and innovative style category, like the recently viral “Mob Wife” look that people jumped on because they are all hive mind loses.

The reality is that no matter how you dress a bitch looks like a porn chick, maybe because anyone is a porn chick if you jerk off to her tits, but probably because mainstream girls thought dudes jerking off to porn chicks, meant that dudes wanted mainstream girls to be porn chicks, when really they just wanted them to be porn chicks in the privacy of their bedroom with them, not so publicly facing…

Anyway, Sabrina Carpenter with her tits out, is on tour with Taylor Swift, who I guess controls this girl and has her under her weird spell a their coven, and that’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Giving You Perverts the Eyes of the Day

I guess I should do a post today…

I don’t know if this is really worth it…

Her name is Sabrina Carpenter, she’s an industry created entity now opening for Taylor Swift….so you know she’s a big deal…..at least in the eyes of the money grubbers at the top of the food chain.

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter