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Archive for the Sabrina Carpenter Category




Sabrina Carpenter’s On Stage Upskirt of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter is some really famous on Instagram Disney kid now in her 20s who I guess works as an actress and has been in a bunch of bullshit, but that’s not enough exploiting of her fans for her, so she also is a recording artist or pop star, who tours the country and sells merch, you know when she’s not filming movies and tv-shows, there’s money to be made and motherfucker best be gettig it!

The official story is that she was homeschooled, posting Youtube singing videos at the age of 10, so she’s been at this for 13 years, I guess her dad saw dollar signs from the perverts who were watching a 10 year old blonde girl sing, built her a recording studio and at some pount the industry moved in a bought her off him, not sure what the dowry was, but I’m thinking it wasn’t a goat!

In being on trend for her generation, competing with all the porn pussy, she’s gotta take her corny Disney roots and make them a bit edgy, which is probably why her live show comes with upskirts, so you have something to jack off to!

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Upskirt of the Day

THIS IS NOT AN UPSKIRT…and I do not know who the fuck Sabrina Carpenter is, but I wouldn’t mind if she was an actual Carpenter and came out to build me a fucking Tinyhouse to live in like they are trying to convince us is the best way to live…just downsize, live in an amazon box like a homeless person, work like a slave all your life to have nothing to show for it, or the ability to take a shit without being in the kitchen, bedroom and living room at the same time, look how cool it is, all these babes on YOUTUBE do it, they even take time to get into a bikini in each episode to ensure you know their lives are better than yours…..YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY…..YOU WILL LIVE IN PODS AND EAT BUGS…..YOU WILL SHARE A COMMUNITY EV THAT YOU CAN USE once a month if your SOCIAL CREDIT BASED ON YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT ALINGS…..and DO NOT speak out against the man….or the regime because they will dispose of you….

I do remember that the song “IF I was a Carpenter” was my intro to Johnny Cash as a kid, so I have a fond place in my heart for Carpenters, even those owned by Disney….

I do have a fond place in my heart for upskirts too, and I’ve actually come face to face with UPSKIRTS of this level in the last 3 weeks about 5 times….one was a biker, one was a picnic girl on a date, one was a girl on a park bench…..and in EVERY case, I MISSED the actual upskirt, and only got to the gateway of the upskirt, because my creeping wasn’t creepy enough…..and the thing with upskirts is that when you miss them, they are gone forever….and clearly we’ve missed this one….but I’ll post it anyway since it almost happened and her fanbase is huge so maybe one will end up here and help me go viral for the first time in 15 years…..I NEED IT.


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Upskirt of the Day

I don’t know why they are touring Sabrina Carpenter around as hard as they are, because I’ve seen her name pop up about a dozen times in the last 2 weeks, and prior to that, she was just some Disney Kid that perverts were into, so you’d see her content being pushed as smut, but you knew it was grown men who live alone but for whatever reason have a subscription to the Disney Channel, or did before they had the Disney App, which has movies with full male frontal….at least in Canada…..

Disney Gone Rogue with the times, because of course they did…this is the culture they helped cultivate over the last 50 years…


Anyway, the big head, big hair, small body, in a tight dress showing her Disney Casting couch training with what could be an upskirt, is no longer creepy to jerk off to, at least not in age, but probably in having her soul sold at a young age, which is a whole other kind of creepy, one that often comes with great crazy girl sex, so so get to it.


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Ass of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter was born in 1999, so it’s not perverted to jack off to her, you know, when they’re porn in 2003, you’re walking on that thin line of pervert, but by 23 years old, they’ve been railed enough in their lives, especially in her career of entertainment. These girls fuck….but then again..all girls fuck…it’s not the 90s.

Realistically, if she got her start young enough, which she did, she was probably railed enough by her 18th birthday….but maybe the sexualization of young girls in Hollywood, “How bad do you want it”….pressure from the parents to get that fame validation they need to feel like their womb did good…and it’s all pretty fucking twisted.

Staring at her ass, at 23 years old, is not perverted, it’s what she wants you to do, that’s why she posted that shit on the internet. SO GIVE HER WHAT SHE WANTS.

It was apparently her birthday yesterday, oh how far she’s gone and how much she’s accomplished at her tender young age of 23…..

Her origin story is youtube at 10, responsible parents, obviously…just put your little kid out to the ether of shit on the internet…..then she didn’t even win a Miley Cyrus singing contest, but I guess impressed them enough to be here showing your ass like a low level prostitute on the internet, while being rich and famous and shit…the way Disney, her handlers….LIKE it.


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Lingerie of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter is a 22 year old industry sweetheart who I don’t think I’ve ever seen in anything, but the name’s familiar which isn’t saying much…since everyone is famous.

I guess she’s a singer, dancer and actress who was recruited by Disney, or created by Disney because Disney is the industry leader, who basically own all the media, but they specialize in finding young tween talent and cultivate them to be the adult stars some of them become…oftentimes by publicly transitioning them like they were Bruce Jenner, only instead of sex changes, they sexualize them so they seem edgy enough to keep the fans they’ve spent millions on capturing….at least in this sexualized society where everyone is sexualizing themselves at a level where if you’re not sexualizing yourself, you ain’t shit….

I guess you could argue that half naked, lingerie content or fashion shows aren’t sexualizing yourself, that I’m just old and out of touch because underwear as outerwear is totally non sexual content, you know pervert dinosaur….plus I could sexualize a bitch in a snowsuit if she was in the right position….but it’s pretty clear where society is when Disney kids are doing shit like this to stay relevant or maintain relevance…the big scramble.


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Joey King Sabrina Carpenter Share a Noodle of the Day

Joey King is seen here with some girl named Sabrina Carpenter who I believe was also some child star sold to the entertainment industry at a young age because she had a dream….they are doing the Lady and the Tramp pose, because Disney was likely involved in their creation…brain washing…etc…you know they are the most powerful entertainment company and they are in the business of children…which is pretty fucking creepy and probably attracts all the worst possible people who like being around children…you know like elementary school teachers..why would any grown man want to work in elementary schools…if it wasn’t for creepy reasons…

Anyway, I first saw Joey King as an adult in her “The Act” show about that retard kid who killed her retard mom with her retard boyfriend in white trash Louisiana after the mom used the daughter’s fake disease to get free houses, food, etc….good hustle…and since I saw the documentary, I knew what the realy Gypsy Rose was like and Joey King hit it on the nail…solidifying herself as a legit actor to me…while I remain still a firm believer that acting requires no talent…but sometimes they can be better at it than other times…

Point being, she’s got tits…and that’s what I am looking at in this wine fueled, ex-child star, sex party you know they are at…cuz all young drunk people are perverts and so am I.


Posted in:Joey King|Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Cleavage of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter cleavage

Sabrina Carpenter is not the daughter of Karen Carpenter, the fearless singer who died from a will to be thin….which is the passion most women should have when it comes to being skinny…because fat is disgusting…and we need to stop empowering and celebrating it…it’s pretty embarrassing…

Sabrina Carpenter is her own kind of singer regardless of not being related to the Carpenters, these things happen….and I am sure I wouldn’t like anything of her music, but that’s not saying much, I think this whole computer generated pop music shit is mind numbing and possibly the reason society gets number and dumber…there’s no reason why they wouldn’t include dog whistles in their songs like Josie and the Pussycats that tell people to buy shit they don’t need….without them even knowing it….

She’s got 25 million followers on Instagram has been a Disney Kid so she matters…and in mattering it is our duty to share her gyrating shoulders in some fluorescent tube lit prison… to help her with her marketing efforts and your weird 21 year old popster fetishes…you creep.

Sabrina Carpenter cleavage


Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter




Sabrina Carpenter Legs in Pantyhose of the Day

Sabrina Carpenter has close to 25,000,000 followers on instagram. That is ridiculous…partially because I have no fucking idea who she is….but that’s not saying much…I don’t even remember the trending stars of the times unless they have massive tits or whatever….but clearly she matters…

I guess she’s a singer who recently performed for the first time on the Late Late Show…which I assume is James Corden and I hate that fat british elf….his song and dance bullshit is fucking irritating and his yelling at his fans as he is fake excited about his winning at life…because you know he thinks he’s more clever than the rest of us…we realize you pulled off a scam you chubby cherub fuck…

Anyway, this was her preview pic, for people who google her, since the majority of people, despite her 25 million followers have no idea who she is…and the skinny legs in pantyhose and heels is a great look as far as I’m concerned so keep the sleazy coming….literally and figuratively…if you know what I mean…if not..maybe I should have wrote CUMMING not COMING…you LITERAL autistic fucks.

Posted in:Sabrina Carpenter