I'll Make You Famous…




Caylee Cowan is Reinventing Herself of the Day

I am getting takedown notices every fucking day over this Caylee Cowan chick who is trying to erase her past.

When it comes to shitty blogs, there is a thing called DMCA which is some copyright act that makes site like ours criminal for posting the FOUND CONTENT on the internet and gives the person who owns the pics the right to ask us to take the shit down…even if they are public figures, this being satire and news, fair use if you ask me….

Caylee Cowan or her man Casey Afleck has hired some annoying company that sends emails to us, the server, basically everyone, threatening legal action if we don’t comply in taking down her pics they claim are copyright to her OnlyFans…that I doubt still exists…

They clearly want her to be packaged as a respectable set of tits, not some young girl being passed around by Rick Solomon of the PARIS HILTON SEX TAPE ERA….even though he posted a used condom tagging CAYLEE COWAN…also a picture they are trying to remove..

So in her rebrand, she’s still using the tits, but in a more classy less prostitute trying to pay her rent in LA kind of way, thanks to dating an AFLECK….

It’s all so exciting…but not for me, I spent HOURS trying to remove old pics of her that she didn’t take or own because she’s a pain in the ass…

Hot tits….but a pain in the ass…

Posted in:Caylee Cowan