I'll Make You Famous…




Drea De Matteo’s Slutty Selfie of the Day

Drea De Matteo from the Sopranos, who bred with Waylon Jennings’ rich kid son who tries to assume the cool of his dad, while never being his dad, but always being the unimpressive rich kid thanks to his dad…is getting the most hype of her life now that she’s launched on OF.

The problem is that her slutty selfies are exactly what you’d expect from a 50 year old mom who hasn’t really embraced or understood technology because she didn’t really ever need to.

They didn’t have computers when she was a gum chewing high school slut and her adult years were spent not doing anything productive behind the screen, where others take pics of her, so her attempt at slutty content is almost sad and embarassing…

She probably doesn’t realize people make feature films that win awards on their iPHONES, so releasing an 90s digital camera quality picture that’s either first generation digital camera or first generation scanned polaroid…is weird, unless it’s part of her old lady aesthetic.

I’ll take an old whore whoring like a young whore any way…since it’s a funny cash grab even for the rich..

Posted in:Drea De Matteo