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Victoria Justice’s Titty Promo Tour of the Day

Victoria Justice has been making some kind of comeback after years of retirement from her Nickelodeon child star bullshit and she’s doing it by showing off her tits the way a woman trying to promote herself should.

She was a sexualized child star, but apparently not sexualized by the producer who just had a documentary released about being a pervert, who is also rumored to being the father of Jamie Lynn Spears’ kid, and who is also rumored to have creeped on pretty much all of the teen stars because he was some fat fuck who clearly never got laid, put into the position of authority with the hot chicks who ignored him growing up, and in typical nerd fashion he asserted that power in claiming all her felt he deserved, since that’s how nerds operate.

Anyway, she says he didn’t stick it to her, but others on the show said he stuck it to them, which probably gave this one a complex in a “why wasn’t I molested by by teacher”…or “why does my dad bang my sister and not me” kind of way…

Clearly she’s working though it, tits out, cuz tits get hits and is the low level sexualizing we need.

Posted in:Victoria Justice