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Archive for the Drea De Matteo Category




Drea De Matteo Plays With Leah Mob’s Tits of the Day


Drea De Matteo is the old lady on the Sopranos who is taking her best stab at geriatric stripping / sex work….and it’s all pretty poorly executed but I guess these old ladies get a thrill out of people still wanting to jerk off to their tits while their husbands have moved on from their tits because they are old lady tits.

She’s now hanging out with Leah Mob, who I guess jumped into the OnlyFans work after her stint on Real Housewives, because that show seems to breed whores, or celebrate whores with their rich husbands and people loving the show doesn’t really help….

I can only assume that being in their 40s or 50s means that they missed out on the whole era of sexting and nudes….they also come from an era where selling nudes would have been seen as trashy and it would destroy their career but now that they are old ass hit, it is now or never…

So technology matched with whoredom or the interest in whoredom for a thrill or to feel wanted….while having missed out on the sexting era of the internet because they were too busy being too cool for the internet….you know women being cool in the 90s meant fucking the cool guys to leverage their celebrity with…and now that leads to this weirdness when applied to the internet decades later…

Leah Mob had a popular NYC streetwear brand called Married to the Mob, which she may still have, so she’s been running in the cool circles probably since she was 18, so she didn’t really need to do any of this kind of low level whoring…and I guess never too late too whore, even when it’s too late too whore…

I blame all these anti-depressants….

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea De Matteo’s Shitty Porn of the Day

Drea De Matteo has comeback to the lives of Sopranos fans everywhere all thanks to getting attention for running an OnlyFans….

So the invisible actress who has barely worked since the Sopranos, at least not as an actor, because she was working her pussy for Waylon Jennings’ son…

Suddenly she exists in the world of entertainment, even getting some work around 20 year anniversary projects for the Sopranos all thanks to releasing shitty porn that she sells to her fans, because she’s got fans willing to pay for her shitty porn.

I am not a Drea De Matteo hater and I don’t hate on celebrities doing weird cash grabs through slutty content….

However, she should probably hire a creative director, or maybe take a few courses from younger self produced porn vendors, because this shit looks pretty bootleg, outdated and sad….

I don’t see a future of dick sucking on porn sets ahead of her yet, she’s barely even showing her pussy fatness in her panties….and it is kinda sad.

Life is short, make it count.

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea De Matteo’s Slutty Selfie of the Day

Drea De Matteo from the Sopranos, who bred with Waylon Jennings’ rich kid son who tries to assume the cool of his dad, while never being his dad, but always being the unimpressive rich kid thanks to his dad…is getting the most hype of her life now that she’s launched on OF.

The problem is that her slutty selfies are exactly what you’d expect from a 50 year old mom who hasn’t really embraced or understood technology because she didn’t really ever need to.

They didn’t have computers when she was a gum chewing high school slut and her adult years were spent not doing anything productive behind the screen, where others take pics of her, so her attempt at slutty content is almost sad and embarassing…

She probably doesn’t realize people make feature films that win awards on their iPHONES, so releasing an 90s digital camera quality picture that’s either first generation digital camera or first generation scanned polaroid…is weird, unless it’s part of her old lady aesthetic.

I’ll take an old whore whoring like a young whore any way…since it’s a funny cash grab even for the rich..

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea De Matteo is an Old Lady in the Wild of the Day

Drea De Matteo has been going viral for the first time since being on the Sopranos, which is a big deal because that show is like 40 years old.

She’s going viral for having followed the lead of Bella Thorne’s mom and all the other women she’s recruited in being in the scene to launch their OnlyFans using her agency services, because it makes her a lot of money and whoring girls is all part of her hustle, it’s how the kids got famous in the first place and definitely why she dragged her stepdaughter to LA with her from Florida to use as a pawn instead of her own kids.

So yeah, viral for being an actress and wife to a music icon’s heir who now sells barely nude pics on the internet to her fans, because she’s apparently got fans who want to see her barely nude content so bad they pay for it.

One of the recent stories was that her kids were ashamed of her being a whore, to which she said her tits fed them as babies so they’ll keep feeding them now, which is some pretty trashy approach to parenting instead of just getting a day job or making their dad pay up….it also sounded like a made up story she was running with….in part because I still haven’t seen her tits an people leak the OF content all day.

Like this pic, which seems like it is AI Drea, all old and reminiscent of Madonna before she went way too far, rocking a pair of fur boots like she’s some wild jungle woman in a post apocalyptic story, all far too over the top and unnecessary, but when you’re old as shit selling nudes, you use whatever angle you got.

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea de Matteo’s Racy Selfie of the Day

Here’s Drea de Matteo, the hot chick from the Sopranos about 20 years later….doing a slutty selfie as they do, even though they probably shouldn’t but that could just be because I remember when 40 year old chicks were considered aged out and not qualified in posting slutty content even if people were willing to fuck them, even if people still jerked off to their archive pics….they were put out to pasture like nature intended…

Drea’s likely in her 50s at this point and she’d bring some big Italian tits in a double bra cuz she needs that support and the terrifying thing is not the zombie but rather the room the zombie is in….like what’s going on here…is she in the garage, a prison, a hoarders house for the remake of hoarders…is she just showing us how down on her luck she is…or is this how high society live….is she visiting a friend where she’s taken a break for a shoot..I don’t have the answers, but it’s probably a horror movie set…

Check out the Italian titties though…

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea De Matteo’s Side Tit of the Day

The Sopranos are celebrating their 25th anniversary, so if you’re only into under 30 year old women, Drea De Matteo is not for you, because I can assure you, she was not 5 years old at the time of her stint on the show, which I think is the only show she’s been a part of, besides making babies with Shooter Jennings, who lives off his daddy’s money.

She’s gone onto interesting things like an OnlyFans, which is fun to laugh about, but as it turns out, despite being an old hag of woman, she’s still kinda hot.

That could be her big Italian titty luring me into her old lady being presented as a hot chick even though she’s too old to be a hot chick trap….big Italian mom tits always suck me in…because I guess I intrinsically want to suck them….even when they’re long dried up or sour….

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Pornographer Drea De Matteo’s Bikini Top of the Day

I love country music, so I guess it’s only fair that I turn to the mother of the a country music legend’s grandkids and stare at her fucking tits.

I didn’t watch the Sopranos, I know I am probably missing out on quality entertainment but the era that it was on TV, I didn’t have access to a TV and I spent my nights drinking until 5-6 am and there wasn’t really much time to keep track or commit to a TV show when I was having a hard enough committing to living, but not such a hard time committing to hard drinking.

So I only really know Drea De Matteo as the wife of Shooter Jennings, the entitled rich kid son of Waylon Jennings, who is the actual cool one and the mother of his kids, who now in her 50s has decided to do low level porn with the help of Bella Thorne and her mother.

I don’t know if this titty content is really the most exciting, like if you’d pay for it, it’d be annoying and I am amazed that with her level of celebrity people pay for her exclusive content like she matters, when she hasn’t mattered in a long time….but then I remember all the losers who fill the internet with credit cards and I remember how sad and lonely a place it is, where subscribing to the hot chick from the Sopranos 20 years ago is the only joy you get….and sexting with someone pretending to be here is good enough for the money you spend on it.

It’s all pretty dumb, but hey….tits in a bikini top.

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea de Matteo Lesbianism of the Day

Drea De Matteo is the 95 year old who was on an iconic show back in the 90s, because she’s fucking old and that’s what people in the 90s did.

She hasn’t had a career since the 90s, but she did get knocked up by the Estate of Waylon Jennings which I am sure is pretty lucrative and worth investing the time into that motherfucker, rather than producers who she’d have to suck off for a job.

She probably doesn’t need the money, you know with child support and the like, but she’s out here doing exclusive content for her sponsors, where she’s reducing herself to a basic whore trying to get out of her small town with her nudes, only she’s already out of her small town and doesn’t need to post the nudes….yet she’s doing it anyway. Why?

I know what you’re thinking, these are hardly nudes, but they are her version of nudes that’s she’s clearly stepping up with and she’s recruited co-stars to add to the excitement of her content which has been pretty fucking awful to date….

I guess the hook will be her using young hut chicks as her submissive pets and this is the preview of that….

One day, we may get to see the mom pussy, but it’ll probably be her clothed and other pussy exposed cuz she’s not THAT kind of whore…


Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea De Matteo’s Old Lady Leg Spread of the Day

I thinK Drea De Matteo’s doing her best attempt at an Old Lady Leg Spread, in hopes her arthritic hips don’t give out while she’s doing it and that her fossilized dinosaur pussy doesn’t crumble to the ground like the old artifact found buried in the great plains that it is….

Unfortunately for us, she’s not letting us see what an old, dried out vagina actually looks like, all weathered like a sea captain coming in on his final sail, but she is showing that despite being an old lady, she can be wild and exciting in that her panties can have animal print like the younger women out there….she won’t let age stop her from being an old aged home hooker who still likes to get her fuck on.

The idea that this dinosaur has turned to selling shitty old lady sexting content is everything wrong in this society. Especially when it is an old lady is one who doesn’t understand tech, or sexting because she was famous before the internet existed and it’s a whole different kind of whoring. She didn’t take computer courses or Excel courses to hold down a job in this modern world, so she’s clearly not so tech savvy….but I guess she’s still got the ego, and feels that men out there still want Drea De Matteo’s MAYO dripping off their face….you know all CURD-LIKE mucus from the whole aging process.

If anything, this is depressing.

Posted in:Drea De Matteo




Drea De Matteo’s Pink Mom Panties Hug Her Grey Dead Mom Pussy of the Day

I don’t actually know if Drea De Mateo’s mom pussy is actually grey or dead, but it’s likely since she’s old as shit and likely well travelled in the pussy region due to the whole being cast in movies and on TV before social media made people made people famous, back when dick sucking got you the job….

Plus, it’s Halloween season so I figure keep things spooky and zombie-like…

The old mom is selling her non-nude content and I guess people are buying them because she keeps producing them.

Long gone are the days of women selling thighmasters after their career dries up simultaneously with when the pussy dries up….now they just get into their underwear, that could be sheer, I can’t tell, but with an angry face like that, with a shirt that says “Why Waltz When You Can Rock and Roll” with a gun, because she’s edgy and if you don’t believe just check her curated tattoos on her forearm, wrist and finger…I mean…she MUST be a serious “who gives a fuck” kind of girl from the 90s…that’s what her try hardness tells me about her hardness…

Anyway, her stripping down put her on the map, sure she’s dated and lame, her panties boring, her face scary and mad, her shirt offensive to us WALTZERS, but MOM panties happened and that’s hilarious…

Posted in:Drea De Matteo