I'll Make You Famous…




Em Rat Cow Gets Slutty for the Kardashians of the Day

Em Rat Cow was cast in a campaign for one of the Kardashian’s clothing brands where she got to showcase her ass, despite typically being a titty model, because Em Rat Cow is a diverse smut peddler who has managed to polarize her smut into some sort of feminist agenda, empowered woman, cash grabbing because of the tits…whatever works.

She is getting on in years and doing the same strategy she did a decade ago, which makes you assume that she’ll be doing this well into her 40s and with each day that goes by the sadder it looks, like running into a now 70 year old Dolly Parton impersonator at a bar who has been doing it for 5 decades….but it still pays the bills, makes her rich, validates her while giving us some smut, so keep up the good work….

As it turns out, the ass is better to look at than the face.

Posted in:Em Rat Cow