I'll Make You Famous…




Katy Perry is Slutting Out of the Day

Katy Perry is going through a mid-life crisis because she’s about 50 fucking years old….

It’s one of those old lady who has wrongfully had the attention of the masses through marketing and brainwashing….believing the hype and that it was deserved when most people who aren’t plugged into the matrix know that she was never much more than shitty song and dance, cheesy concept stage shows and a set of tits…

Sure, her bank accounts and good management may make her feel like she’s worthy but at her core she must know that she fucking sucks…

Anyway, like all old ladies holding onto a dream, or trying to maintain hype they once had, she’s managed to OZMPIC or starve herself out, maybe hit the gym with that new testosterone her body has found through menopause….allowing her to show her ass in short shorts that are hardly age appropriate…since she’s old…hardly hot since it is Katy Perry….but thanks to whatever she’s been doing to herself through modern science is looking better than when she was at her prime which doesn’t make sense but that’s the world we live in and in her defence, she was pretty fucking clunky at her prime..

Posted in:Katy Perry